With an aim to make India a global manufacturing hub of toys, Prime Minister Narendra Modi interacted with Toycathon 2021 participants today (June 24). "Toys and games will not only enhance our critical thinking and creativity but also our economy," the Prime Minister said at the event. He added, "The fact that more than 1,500 teams are part of grand finale shows the success of the Toycathon and our bright future in the toy-making sector." 
The Prime Minister said that the fact that we import about 80% of our toys should change. "That is, crores of rupees of the country inspite of the fact that we have such a rich tradition of Indian toys & games. We have to change it, we have to go vocal for local."

The Prime minister also expressed a sense of worry about the fact that "most of the online or digital games available in the market today are not based on Indian concept. The concepts of many games in this either promote violence or cause mental stress."
Modi added, "Courage is the key to prosperity. All the participants showcase India's bright future in toy manufacturing and this is how youngsters will strengthen our aatma nirbhar Bharat abhiyaan."
Applauding the innovative games and the creators
The PM took out time to individually appreciate several teams. He lauded team 'Heritage Race' for taking care of the physical and mental status of the children with their game. Theirs is a digitally connected, physically actioned racing game, which promotes Indian heritage sites.

Team 'Makersclan' developed an educational board game for kids who are 8+ and the aim of the game is to make Chemistry fun. The PM also interacted with innovators of Eyecognito, an AI-based posture recogniser to promote Yoga from Vellore Institute of Technology.
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